I want to teach you everything I know!
If you’ve hung around here for any length of time you know that I LOVE taking pictures. And take them daily. It’s part of my creative practice, but it’s also my tool for appreciating the world, for staying awake + not missing the beauty.
I’m here to show you how to see + capture the magic in your world, how to compose creative +playful shots and do so with a minimum of technical expertise.
Easy. Peasy. Promise.
Join me for the next session of Superhero Photo, starting March 4th.
You can find out more here.
Just 99 dollars for 6 weeks of inspiration, juicy lessons and all of my best secrets! I’m really proud of this class + would love to have you!
Get ready to be inspired! And take some awesome photos.
I love your photos, and I am definitely going to consider taking this class.You seem so cool!! Right now I am taking Catherine Just’s 30 day photo project in|plain|sight photo project/class.
Not this time round unfortunately. I just don’t have the money but I am trying to save to do this later in the year.
Love those hot pink pants lady!!
Oh … I love your pink pants, girl!!!
Paniqué,stupide babouin sous plier au cours
de judicieux mon compte facebook est bloqué. feu malgré voisins comment créer compte facebook pour association.
Deference to author, some superb selective information.