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Playing Big by Tara Sophia Mohr + 2 kinds of fear

I met Tara Mohr for the first time when we sat together at Spirit Rock meditation center for a daylong workshop with Rachel Naomi Remen. (We are both huge fans!) I adored Tara immediately and hoped we would intersect again. To my delight,...

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Nothing Changes Until You Do

Nothing Changes Until You Do

Today we have a special treat! We are celebrating my pal Mike Robbin's brand new book: Nothing Changes Until You Do: A Guide to Self-Compassion and Getting Out of Your Own Way. I have known Mike for many years and have always admired his...

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My money memoir

My money memoir

Dear Superheroes, I’ve just bared my soul about something tremendously personal: money! It’s part of the Money Memoirs Series: a free, month-long gathering for healing and truth-telling about money, hosted by my dear friend and colleague,...

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