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The importance of being at choice

The importance of being at choice

Although Nico loves his new preschool (it is a dream come true) he hides behind my legs every time we arrive. He suddenly gets shy + clingy, grabs onto my thighs or tries to climb my body, desperate for me to stay. Saying goodbye to him...

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What I’m grateful for today…

What I’m grateful for today…

Ben and his time machine Grandmas that aren't afraid to swing Swings that look like thrones Nico's contagious smile and vampire teeth Photos of Nico and Matt My beautiful boys

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Happy Birthday sweet Nico!

Happy Birthday sweet Nico!

Dear Nico, You turned 2 yesterday. You weren't quite sure what a birthday was, or why everyone kept mentioning it, but I love that you sang Happy Birthday to yourself at odd times throughout the day. Unbearably cute. There are so many...

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Handling our ups and downs.

Handling our ups and downs.

"Disappointment is the feeling of being let down. Disappointment is an emotion that makes people feel uncomfortable." "Boy, there's a lot of feelings that make people uncomfortable," Ben commented. We had been reading from a book called...

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Because – I love you.

The gift of vulnerability This is a piece I wrote in my writing class yesterday. I had no intention of sharing it, but when I read it aloud in class (through sputtery tears) I looked up and saw that we were all a bit teary. On a day when...

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Nico Boon is 18 months + Mother’s Day

I adore you Nico Boon Okay. So I've written this post three times and deleted it each time. What can I tell you about my precious Nico Boon? What can I share that feels real and true to where I am right now in this moment? Right now, I am...

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