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Month: January 2012

Collecting colors in San Miguel

When I thought of this trip to San Miguel all these months, I saw a doorway in my mind's eye. A doorway to new possibilities, to something big and wonderful and unknown. When I strolled that very first morning out into the streets I was...

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Hello Soul Hello Business

This is me and my friend Kelly Rae Roberts. You might know her by her gorgeous art, inspiring blog or her beautiful book, Taking Flight. The first time I met Kelly Rae, we were in a circle of creative women here in the bay area, chatting...

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What do you crave?

What she craved She craved paint and canvas, the white of gesso and the shock of alazarin turquoise. She craved blinding fuschia, cerulean blue and burnt umber. She craved time. To think her own thoughts, to reflect, to stroll with no...

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Classes begin today!

A few important notes 1. If you are registered for Superhero Photo: The Basics and haven't received your invitation to the classroom, please email me and I'll get you right in there! 2. If you are registered for Mondo Beyondo and haven't...

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