As Ben lay his head down on the pillow, he said with unbridled excitement, “I can’t wait to get my white belt tomorrow!” I paused, "Ben, I don’t think they give out white belts the first day of class. Don’t get your hopes up, kay?” His...
On being perfect moms before we had kids.
"Come on Ben! You have to toughen up!" I say this to him after urging him to do his practice math test all morning. I say this after he's blamed his teacher, math (for being stupid and boring) and me for not feeding him properly. (For the...
The magic medicine of the camera.
Sometimes they overstimulate me completely. The noise, the rowdiness, the fighting, the constant fingers in everyone's butts. My HSP little heart starts to lose it. After being very shouty (which didn't work) I pulled out my camera and...
Shake it Off: Ben + Nico
Unexpected kindness. And why Nico is banned from Monterey Market.
Nico is hereby banned from our local produce store. You know the kind. That grocery store with the small aisles and even smaller carts. The carts you can't strap your child into because they have somehow, at only 3, gotten too big to...
Interview with Lisa Byrne about Self-Care for Mamas.
Self-care isn't just bubble baths + mani-pedis. Listen in as I chat with Lisa Byrne about self care for mamas. The real kind. The practice of self-care. Enjoy! "How do I craft my life so I can show up in the best ways possible? It's a...
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